Archives February 2022

Spring Cleaning: Organize Your Outdoor Storage in a New Way

Spring Cleaning: a newly organized shed
Spring is finally coming; that means it’s time to “Marie Kondo” your backyard!

The birds seem to be singing a cheerier tune these past couple weeks, indicating that spring–and spring cleaning season–is on its way. When you hear “spring cleaning,” you may think of tedious sweeping and going through the same old bins that you know you’re going to stuff right back into a closet anyway. With Buildings Plus, you can turn that chore on its head. Our sheds can be your storage solution.

A new building in the backyard offers all the storage space you’ve been wishing you had, plus a fresh chance to organize all those things you could use if you only had access to them. All of our Amish-built sheds come with sturdy tongue-and-groove floors on five 4×4 skids, meaning you can store heavy machinery and tools without worry. Unlike our competitors, who usually have 3 skids, these floors won’t warp or buckle even if they get wet.

You can also customize the roofing and add TechShield insulation, which makes a huge temperature difference for your heat-sensitive supplies. If needed, all sheds can be fitted with electricity for lighting, temperature control, and power for your tools. In fact, our buildings can all be made cozy enough to live in. After all, our structures are built like a house, not a shed.

We also offer workbenches and shelving that can transform a simple shed into your dream storage solution. For all of the things you need to keep but not use daily, consider loft space. For the rest, you can have immediate access within arm’s reach all along the shed’s four walls.

Spring is a time of renewal and getting one’s life back in order after a cold, dark winter. Simplify your spring cleaning with a Buildings Plus shed, and use the extra time to get some work done in it!

Now Offering: Coffee and Baked Goods, While You Wait

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At a small, family-run business that provides extensive free consultations for every customer it sees, sometimes the waiting room can get a little backed up. When we were starting out, that waiting room was just a couple of chairs pushed up against the wall. To be honest, those chairs are still there; but we’ve made some upgrades.

When you stop by, feel free to make some coffee! We’ve got a Keurig always running hot, and cream and sugar if you take it that way. On cold winter mornings, it’s a simple pleasure to take a load off in those aforementioned chairs, with steam rising off a fresh cup of joe and the space heater on at your feet.

If you’re not a coffee person, or already had a pot this morning, we now have something new to offer starting in the next few days.

Courtesy of Kraken Krust, try a sample bite of some delicious seasonal breads for sale in the main office. Some typical options are pumpkin bread, banana bread, and zucchini bread; all specialities and personal favorites of our local baker.

Each has been baked with love and a proprietary recipe, and the cute little stickers closing each loaf’s bag is a testament to the care that goes into this bread. They come from a home kitchen, but a professional baking environment with hygiene regulation and as consistent a result as possible.

Whether you take home a perfectly moist loaf of banana bread for breakfasts or just have a few bites of heavenly spiced pumpkin bread with coffee, we truly hope you enjoy the time spent in our office. If a wait is ever necessary during your visit, it will be a cozily warm one with tasty treats available to pass the time quickly. See you there soon!

Image courtesy of