Now Offering: Coffee and Baked Goods, While You Wait

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At a small, family-run business that provides extensive free consultations for every customer it sees, sometimes the waiting room can get a little backed up. When we were starting out, that waiting room was just a couple of chairs pushed up against the wall. To be honest, those chairs are still there; but we’ve made some upgrades.

When you stop by, feel free to make some coffee! We’ve got a Keurig always running hot, and cream and sugar if you take it that way. On cold winter mornings, it’s a simple pleasure to take a load off in those aforementioned chairs, with steam rising off a fresh cup of joe and the space heater on at your feet.

If you’re not a coffee person, or already had a pot this morning, we now have something new to offer starting in the next few days.

Courtesy of Kraken Krust, try a sample bite of some delicious seasonal breads for sale in the main office. Some typical options are pumpkin bread, banana bread, and zucchini bread; all specialities and personal favorites of our local baker.

Each has been baked with love and a proprietary recipe, and the cute little stickers closing each loaf’s bag is a testament to the care that goes into this bread. They come from a home kitchen, but a professional baking environment with hygiene regulation and as consistent a result as possible.

Whether you take home a perfectly moist loaf of banana bread for breakfasts or just have a few bites of heavenly spiced pumpkin bread with coffee, we truly hope you enjoy the time spent in our office. If a wait is ever necessary during your visit, it will be a cozily warm one with tasty treats available to pass the time quickly. See you there soon!

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