Weather Protection
From the first lean-to to modern high-rises, little matters more to building owners than keeping out the weather. Weather protection is a direct result of build quality. If a construction project was rushed, or used cheap materials, or skipped steps in treatment… well, you’re probably not adequately protected from rain, much less the tougher weather Clarksville can get.

We’ve had a lot of stormy days in Clarksville lately, so by now you’ll know if your building is weather-protected. Have you seen stains on the corners of your ceilings? Damp basements, leaky attics, or condensation on windowsills are all bad signs, too. They can even lead to mold or rotting wood! Unfortunately, the only real weather protection you can get after construction are band-aid processes, to shore up warped foundation or insulate unprotected windows.
That’s why weather protection must be considered during the build process. At Buildings Plus, we offer superior construction quality from only local Amish communities and steel developers. Their finely-honed processes check that every joint, nail, and beam is up to code. Rest assured, our buildings will weather any storm.